For years I struggled with the silent and continuous ripples of longstanding childhood trauma which resulted from a total disconnect from my feminine power and essence.
I explored every conventional therapy available today and even non-conventional, holistically-based treatments. Nothing got to the root of the issue.
The past continued to haunt me and wreak havoc in my life in subtle and not so subtle ways.
Fast forward to 2015 and I found myself in the midst of what I would call a spiritual crisis. I had just ended another failed relationship and was crushed.
Not only that but life just felt like groundhog day - continuously bumping up against the same challenges again and again. It was like someone or something was controlling my life and I had very little say in the matter. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
My desperation and confusion prompted me to get down on my knees and pray.
Pray to what??
I wasn’t sure at the time since I had never prayed in my life. I asked for some higher guidance and direction to lead me to the Truth.
A few days later I stumbled upon a sensational video on YouTube demonstrating a full-body energy orgasm.
I was shocked! Could this be real?
I didn’t know how or why but I intuitively knew deep down inside this video was the answer to my prayers and my problems. Ten days later I found myself in Argentina attending a Tantra Massage retreat with Somananda Tantra School.

This was a pivotal course that changed the trajectory of my life forever and gave me the deep, soulful, full-body, holistic healing that I longed for but could never achieve.
You see, while the therapies I had undergone in my younger years helped me to come to terms with my childhood trauma intellectually, they did not address the energetic seed that was deeply embedded in my subconscious mind.
As long as that seed remained, my whole life - my emotions, my thoughts, my mind, the level of success I could achieve, the partners I attracted, my self-confidence and self-worth, and my sexuality - would forever be subtly influenced and governed by the energy it contained.
This seed is why life felt like groundhog day and I continuously faced the same challenges again and again.
I didn’t know about this energetic seed or understand it fully until my Tantra Massage course. None of the conventional or unconventional therapies I tried even spoke about this, and yet, it was the key to my healing.
Thankfully, through the massage practices, that seed was uprooted and eliminated once and for all. Then and only then did I realize true liberation and freedom from the clutches of the past.
Tantra Massage is the deepest form of bodywork and healing therapy I have ever come across. It touches you physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, sexually and spiritually.
I am excited to share its power and potential with you through my various teachings and offerings!
Please note, you do not need to have experienced trauma to benefit from Tantra Massage. This just happened to be my story, what ultimately led me to think outside the box for healing, and to seek alternative methods.

EVERYONE can benefit from Tantra Massage. This practice meets you wherever you are in your life and has a built-in divine intelligence.
If you are dealing with trauma, chronic health issues, sexual dysfunction, pain, dis-ease, depression, and/or anxiety, this kind of work oftentimes creates a breakthrough in the cyclical pattern that can be difficult to get out of.
If you are happy, loving, orgasmic, and juicy already, you can benefit from Tantra Massage as well. Our potential is infinite and we can always go higher and deeper!
Every individual who experiences Tantra Massage receives something different → a gift that is perfectly designed and uniquely crafted to meet his or her needs.
It is a deep and energetic form of bodywork that touches you at the level of the soul and brings you back to who you truly are and your true nature.
My Tantra Massage retreat in Argentina ended (sadly) and I was never really the same woman after that. Normal daily life paled in comparison and I didn’t want this course to just be a glimpse or momentary speck on the tapestry of my life.
I wanted the joy, clarity, empowerment, freedom, and liberation that I experienced in the retreat to be part of my everyday life and not just a distant memory that I occasionally looked back on.
The extraordinary healing I encountered and my firsthand experience of Tantra Massage prompted me to re-evaluate my life in its entirety and reprioritize everything.
A few months after returning home from Argentina, I made the decision to close my thriving business, abandon a conventional lifestyle, and fully immersed myself on the tantric spiritual path. I knew in my heart and soul that I wanted to bring to others what Tantra Massage brought to me and my life.
In 2016 I became a teacher of Tantra Massage and later a teacher of Tantra Yoga and Tantric Meditation and have been leading courses and retreats around the world for individuals, couples, and groups ever since.
I share these teachings with great passion and devotion and look forward to sharing them with YOU!

Tantra Massage is like a professional house cleaner. It meticulously removes the dust and dirt from your mind, body, and soul so that you can reflect the light from within more and more.